Florida elementary school field trip to gay bar

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The kind of bar is not even the point… it’s a BAR… One Twitter user emphasized, “The kind of bar is not even the point… it’s a BAR…” Libs of Tik Tok tweeted, “A school in took elementary age kids to a gay bar on a field trip today.”Ī school in district took elementary age kids to a gay bar on a field trip today /kfRgzPJwSO Leave out everything else – why in God’s name are they bringing elementary school kids to establishments that aren’t supposed to admit anyone under 21? “Leave out everything else – why in God’s name are they bringing elementary school kids to establishments that aren’t supposed to admit anyone under 21?” Rep. The post has ignited outrage on social media outlets.

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Photographs included in the Facebook post show the elementary school students at Rosie’s Bar and Grill, a gay bar in Wilton Manors, Florida. Posted by Sarah Leonardi on Wednesday, October 27, 2021

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